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FPC Youth Group

High School and Junior High can be a time of both great opportunity and challenge.  Students are exploring talents and gifts, yet they are faced with increasing pressure and “real-world” problems.  It’s a time in life when the benefits of true friendship and mentors start to become evident.

First Presbyterian is committed to helping youth in high school and middle school navigate the waters and apply their faith.   Through games, Bible study, outings, and friendship, youth can find that their faith does matter and they are loved by God.

Our youth are led by Melissa McDuffie, Director of Christian Education and Youth.  For more information, please contact the church office or Melissa!

Sunday Evenings 

Each Sunday from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. the youth share dinner together and have a program.  Whether it involves a presentation,  small group discussions, mission work, or a recreation activity, it is a great way for our youth to expand their faith and bond together.  

Wednesday Nights

Wednesday nights are for youth sixth through twelfth grade and begin at 6:00 p.m. in the basement. We meet together for fellowship before breaking into groups (typically of Senior High and Junior High) for a Bible study. It is a great mid-week opportunity to check on each other and refocus. We’d love to have you or your youth join us!


Youth News