Music and Choirs
The people of God sing. They express exuberance in realizing the majesty of God and the mercy of Christ, the wholeness of reality and their new-found ability to participate in it. Songs proliferate. Hymns gather the voices of men, women, and children into century-tiered choirs. Moses sings. Miriam sings. Deborah sings. David sings. Mary sings. Angels sing. Jesus and his disciples sing. Paul and Silas sing. When persons of faith become aware of who God is and what he does, they sing. The songs are irrepressible. Quoted from Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John & the Praying Imagination by Eugene Peterson.
God’s word comes to us through a variety of ways in worship: reading scripture, preaching, prayer and meditation, and music. Music is a vital part of our worship services, intricately woven into the fabric, and carefully linking the texts for the day and the season of the church year. Congregational hymns, psalm singing, instrumental offerings, solos, and anthems by a variety of groups, both choral and instrumental, span centuries of sacred composition while blending diverse elements into a unified whole that seeks to glorify God and lift up the Word.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir at First Presbyterian Church provides music for the 11:00 worship service each week and presents special musical services at Christmas and during Holy Week. Soloists and small groups present special music at the 9:00 service. In keeping with the traditional worship service, the choir sings music that ranges from hymn arrangements to anthems by classical composers. The choir rehearses at 7:15 on Wednesday nights and is open to vocalists who want to use their talents to sing for the glory of God.

Preschool and kindergarten age children have the opportunity to participate in Cherub Choir! This choir gathers on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 – 7:00 p.m. for music and a variety of arts and crafts. This joyful choir offers the prelude in worship several times throughout the year as well as participates in the Joy Gift Program in December.