October 17th (1971) was a most important day for this church, for this was the day of the dedication of the beautiful Chancel Window. Special guests for the occasion were Dr. and Mrs. S.L. McFadden to whom the center lancet in the chancel window was dedicated in honor of their great service to God and this congregation during their long ministry here.
The other distinguished guest was Dr. Henry Lee Willet of the Willet Studio. The work of these studios has become synonymous with the greatest excellence in stained glass. The method of fabrication is the same as that used to create the windows in the medieval churches of Europe, but the design of the window is in a more pictorial style.
The three lancets were dedicated as follows: The left lancet in honor of Elder C.R. Bolton; the center in honor of Dr. and Mrs. S.L. McFadden, and the right in memory and honor of all who have served the church in its ministry of music and education. A full description is given below:
The theme of the chancel window is most appropriate for its location. The central figure is Jesus Christ, holding out His hands in welcome and saying, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Accepting His invitation are people from all walks of life, both sexes and all ages. Their occupations are identified by their clothes and the tools they hold.
That Jesus is now in heaven is shown by the rainbow, the stars, and the presence at the top of the widow by the four winged beasts from the book of Revelation which are the Four Evangelists — the man, Matthew, the lion — Mark, the ox — Luke, and the eagle — John.
Balancing these, at the top of each outer lancet, is a symbol of another member of the Trinity — the hand of God, the Father, extending in blessing on the left side, and the descending dove of the Holy Spirit on the right. Some of the duties enjoined upon those who follow Him are illustrated by the parables of the good Samaritan and Sower next below. Underneath the two parables are symbols of the Acts of Mercy derived from the 25th chapter of Matthew, three on each side: feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and the prisoner.
In the center lancet under the figure of Christ are portraits of some particular missionaries who accepted the yoke of Christ and carried the Gospel message into remote parts of the world. These are William Carey who went to India; David Brainerd who went to the American Indians; Sheldon Jackson who went to Alaska; David Livingston and Motte Martin who went to Africa; John Leighton Stuart who went to China.
The Crusader’s crosses had points on the bottom so that they could be carried along and planted wherever there was a wish to pray. Behind the cross at the bottom left is the seal of the United Nations and the U.N. buildings. The smith is beating a sword into a ploughshare as in Isaiah’s prophecy of the peaceable Kingdom. Behind the cross at the lower right is an astronaut walking in space above the earth an an atomic symbol. This recalls the words of the Eighth Psalms, “Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands.”
In the center at the bottom is the seal of the World Council of Churches which has as its device the ship of the Church with a cross-topped mast. The many Christian denominations are symbolized by little churches of various styles of architectures.

The Prophecy
Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts – Isaiah 6:5
Christ’s story cannot be told without referring to the messianic prophecy. Here then is the prophet Isaiah. When called upon to prophesy, he considered himself unworthy so a cherubim was sent to purify his lips with a burning coal from the altar of sacrifice. At the bottom is the Holy Child with arms outstretched to the world.
This window was given in honor of Mrs. Perry King Thomas, Jr. by her children, Perry, Michael, Kathryn, and Glenn.

The Annunciation
Hail, O favored one, the Lord is with you! – Luke 1:28
The angel Gabriel appears to the Virgin mary to announce the coming of the Christ Child. Above, the dove of the Holy Spirit descends. The stylized lily symbolizes Mary’s purity.
This window was given in memory of Mr. John P. Hunter by Mrs. Alice Adams Hunter

The Nativity
For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.-Luke 2:11
Here are Mary and Joseph watching over the child Jesus who lies in the manger. At the top is the star of Bethlehem. The lamb at the bottom is the Agnus Dei, symbol of God the Son. the cross that he holds presages the Crucifixion.
This window was given in memory of Mr, & Mrs. Ernest Love Joyner, Sr. by Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Love Joyner, Jr.

The Epiphany
Him of whom the prophets did write -John 1:45
Here are Mary and Joseph watching over the child Jesus who lies in the manger. At the top is the star of Bethlehem. The lamb at the bottom is the Agnus Dei, symbol of God the Son. the cross that he holds presages the Crucifixion.
This window was given in memory of Mr, & Mrs. Ernest Love Joyner, Sr. by Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Love Joyner, Jr.

Christ’s Baptism
Thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased. – Luke 3:22
Here Christ is shown being baptized by John in the Jordan. John pours water out of an escallop shell. John, the Hermit, is dressed in skins. The Holy Spirit is the descending dove. The symbol at the bottom is composed of a shell pouring water in which is a fish. Behind is a chi rho, XP, ancient monogram of Jesus Christ.
This window was given in memory of Mr.& Mrs. James Philip Nanney and Mr. & Mrs. Alexis Polk McAllister by Mrs Chauncey Rivers Godwin

The Boy Christ in the Temple
Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house? – Luke 2:49
When his parents started home, Jesus remained behind in the Temple with the doctors. After a day’s journey His parents had to come back to Jerusalem to find Him. Here they are seen at the back just discovering Him about His father’s business. The symbol at the bottom is a fountain of wisdom.
This window was given in memory of Jon-Michael Bowen Ross and Mark Edward Ross by Mr. & Mrs. Willis Prouty Ross

The Calling of the Fishermen
I am the way -John 14:6
Jesus stands on the shore. He sees Peter and Andrew in the boat with their fishing nets and invites them to follow Him to become “fishers of men”. At the bottom is a chi rho flanked with Peter’s symbol-crossed keys and Andrew’s X-shaped cross.
This window was given in memory of Mrs. George William Ruff by her children George, Edith, Balfour, Guy, and Bea Ann

The Sermon on the Mount
I am the bread of life – John 6:35
Jesus is seated on a stylized mountain top preaching to a crowd of people among which are both men and women, old and young, IHS is another of Christ’s monograms.
This window was given in memory of Mr. John Randolph Baker by Mrs. Myrtle Coleman Baker

The Feeding of the Five Thousand
This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world – John 6:14
A young lad offers his lunch of five loaves and two fishes to Jesus who multiplies it to feed the multitude who gathered to hear Him speak. The symbol shows the long rays of sunset.
This window was given in memory of Dr. & Mrs. George L. Brown by their sons Robert, George, and William

Christ Healing
The Son of Man is come to seek and save that which was lost – Luke 19:10
Jesus is shown healing a crippled man. Behind Him is the woman touching the hem of His garment. At the bottom is a caduceus.
This window was given in memory of Dr. Lucian Carl Feemster, Sr., Dr Lucian Carl Feemster, Jr., and Mr. John McGaughey Feemster by Mrs. L.C. Feemster, Sr., Mrs. L.C. Feemster, Jr., and Mrs. J.M. Feemster

The Last Supper
Do this in remembrance of me – I Corinthians 11:24
Jesus gathered the twelve Apostles around Him to celebrate the feast of the Passover. He stands at the center with the bread and wine, elements of the ritual meal. Judas is alienated at the bottom. below are grapes and wheat.
This window was given in memory of Mr. William Buchanan Fields by Mt. Thomas A. Fields and Mrs. Elizabeth Fields Reed

The Crucifixion
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do – Luke 23:34
Jesus Christ hangs on the cross. With Him are His mother Mary and His Beloved disciple John into whose care He committed her. The sacrificial lamb refers to the sacrifice of Isaac, a type of the Crucifixion.
This window was given in memory of Mrs. Daisy B. Purnell by Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Purnell

The Resurrection
Because I live, you will also live – John 14:19
Here Christ bursts from the empty tomb bearing aloft the banner of the victory of life over sin and death. The seeds bursting from the pomegranate recall that the grave could not contain Him.
This window was given in memory of Mrs. Glenn Ballard by her Church School Class

The Great Commission
As the father has sent me, even so I send you – John 20:21
After His Resurrection, Jesus reappeared to His apostles to command them to go into the world to preach the Gospel and baptize in the name of the father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This message is symbolized at the bottom.
This window was given in memory of Mrs. Erin Payne Serrill by Mr. H.G. Serrill

The Pentecost
I send the promise of my Father upon you – Luke 24:49
The faithful gathered together in an upper room to celebrate the feast of Pentecost experienced the guidance of the Holy Spirit who made His presence known as tongues of fire over each head.
This window was given in memory of Mrs. Louise May Baughman by Earle W. Baughman, Dr. Earle W. Baughman, Jr., and Mrs. Betty Baughman Suggs and in memory of Mr. Wilburn Wesly Hunt by Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Linton Morgan

The Reformation
The light shineth in the darkness – The Seal
The Ongoing Church owes its existence to the Apostles, then to many succeeding generations of Christians. Here are Luther nailing up his ninety-five these, Calvin writing, Knox teaching and Makemie preaching. At the bottom is the seal of the Presbyterian Church.
This window was given in memory of Mr. William Burns Marion by Mrs. William Burns Marion, Patrick, Frieda, Michael, and Douglas
For more information on our Stained Glass windows, please refer to the many articles written by the late Dr. Eugene Murphey describing the Missionaries of the Chancel Window, and other informative articles about the stained glass windows and history of our church.